Interventions Forum: Reproductive and Economic Justice in a Post-Roe Landscape: Changing the Conversation in Christian Communities

Interventions Forum: Reproductive and Economic Justice in a Post-Roe Landscape: Changing the Conversation in Christian Communities


Authors Margaret Kamitsuka Kamitsuka, Elizabeth Freese, Kearra Haynes, Joerg Rieger, Jeremy Posadas, and Danielle Tumminio Hansen

Date Published: 2022

Institution: Wendland-Cook

Resource Type: Interventions Forum

Overview: The Wendland Cook Program in Religion and Justice at Vanderbilt Divinity School held a series of five webinars in fall 2022 to address the interrelated issues of reproductive justice and economic justice. We invite church leaders, religious studies scholars and students, congregational members, and activists to participate in this event and learn more about what Christian faith and praxis might contribute to concrete, meaningful collaboration with both movements. This Interventions forum accompanies and extends that series, including contributions from moderators of the webinars as well as several individual contributions that were accepted through a call of papers issued in summer of 2022.

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